
Secure Collaboration with Multiparty Computation

Multiparty Computation (MPC) enables multiple parties to collaboratively compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This advanced cryptographic technique ensures that sensitive data remains secure during processing, allowing organisations to collaborate on complex problems without compromising the confidentiality of their data. Leverage MPC to enhance privacy, drive innovation, and maintain the highest standards of security in your collaborative efforts.

How Does It Work?

The Power of Multiparty Computation in Data Security

Multiparty Computation (MPC) is a groundbreaking cryptographic protocol that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs confidential. This ensures that no individual party gains access to another’s data, maintaining privacy and security throughout the process. MPC is vital for use cases like secure financial transactions, collaborative medical research, and confidential voting systems, where data privacy is paramount. Explore how MPC can enhance your organisation’s data security and enable secure collaboration without compromising on confidentiality.

Setup Phase

Participants agree on a protocol and set of cryptographic parameters.  Each participant generates their own secret key and shares a public key with others.

Input Preparation

Each participant encrypts their private input using a secure encryption scheme, such as homomorphic encryption or additive secret sharing. Encrypted inputs are then distributed among all participants.

Computation Phase

Participants compute functions (e.g., addition, multiplication) on encrypted inputs using cryptographic protocols like garbled circuits, secret sharing, or homomorphic encryption, without decrypting the data.

Output Reconstruction

After computing the function, participants share encrypted intermediate results. Through further cryptographic protocols or decryption involving all participants, the final result is reconstructed without revealing individual inputs.


Ensuring that no participant can learn anything beyond what is specified by the output of the computation.


Participants must trust the cryptographic protocols and the setup phase to ensure the security and privacy of their inputs.


Implementing efficient protocols and algorithms to minimise computational overhead and communication complexity.


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What are some typical use cases for MPC?

Here are some typical use cases for MPC: Secure Data Analysis, Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning, Financial Applications, Voting and Decision Making, Healthcare Data Sharing, Supply Chain Transparency, Secure Cryptographic Protocols, Privacy-Preserving Identity Management, Smart Contracts and Blockchain, Collaborative Filtering and Recommendation Systems, Sensitive Data Sharing Across Organisations.

Is MPC similar to ZKP?

Multiparty Computation (MPC) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) are both cryptographic techniques that enhance privacy and security, but they serve different purposes and operate in distinct ways. MPC focuses on secure computation among multiple parties, whereas ZKP emphasises proving knowledge of a fact without revealing the fact itself.

What kinds of attacks could MPC be open to?

Here are some potential attack vectors that MPC systems might be vulnerable to: Passive Attacks, Active Attacks, Byzantine Failures, Denial of Service (DoS), Sybil Attacks, Side-Channel Attacks, Collusion Attacks, Implementation Vulnerabilities, Network Security Issues, Complexity and Usability Issues.

I've heard MPC can be slow to execute, why is this?

Multiparty Computation (MPC) can indeed be slower than traditional computation methods due to several inherent characteristics and requirements of the protocol. The slower execution of MPC is primarily due to the need for secure communication, data splitting, and sharing, along with the inherent complexity of the computations involved. Optimising the underlying protocols, improving network infrastructure, and employing efficient implementation strategies can help mitigate these performance issues, but some degree of latency is often unavoidable due to the nature of maintaining privacy and security in multiparty computations.

IS MPC the best form of PET?

Whether Multiparty Computation (MPC) is the "best" form of Privacy-Enhancing Technology (PET) depends on the specific use case, requirements, and constraints of the application at hand. MPC is one of several PETs, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Still have questions?


Project PHACKS

The Platform for High Assurance Collaborative Knowledge Sharing (PHACKS) is an EU funded commercialisation initiative aimed at developing new markets for advanced privacy-preserving technologies where data collaboration is at the core of the participants collaboration. The project focuses on creating solutions that enable secure and privacy-respecting access to digital services and resources that leverage data assets that each of the participants hold but in a manner where those assets are not disclosed to the other participants. PHACKS leverages cutting-edge cryptographic techniques, including zero-knowledge proofs and secure multiparty computation, to ensure that sensitive information is completely protected during the data processing stages.

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