
Government Registers

Within government, PETs can facilitate collaboration by streamlining data sharing and standardising processes, which enhances efficiency, data accuracy, and public service delivery.

The Challenge

Government registers are becoming absolutely fundamental to the establishment of trust in the digital economy. Ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of any data in a register is critical to the integrity of the register. The identification of anomalous data, quickly, is critical to ensuring data integrity is maintained.

Foundation for Trust

Trust is one of the fundamental cornerstones of a well-functioning, economy. Ensuring data consistency across all registers, both nationally and internationally, further enhances trust by ensuring data is always accurate.

Relying on Data not Documents

By presenting the contents of a register in data form rather than as pdf documents allows easy consumption by other systems.

Our Solution

Identifies the need to match or validate sensitive data attributes between government registers that cannot normally be shared today.  This particularly includes attributes in existing taxonomies that support the five risk steps – Identify (risk), Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover.  This may also include attributes for anomaly detection as previously identified internationally for Collaborative Cyber Situational Awareness (CCSA).  This could include existing or new attributes in taxonomies relating to companies, natural persons or products.

Find Data Anomalies Fast

Digital commerce hinges on being able to trust the information you use to base decisions on. With Sedicii's ZKP, anomalous data can be detected quickly and action taken to remediate.

Protecting Privacy

We enable registers to communicate in such a way that they never share any sensitive, personal or commercially sensitive data

Crossing International Borders

Sedicii's ZKP enables the secure processing of personal data across borders without the underlying data ever leaving its primary site.


Project PHACKS

The Platform for High Assurance Collaborative Knowledge Sharing (PHACKS) is an EU funded commercialisation initiative aimed at developing new markets for advanced privacy-preserving technologies where data collaboration is at the core of the participants collaboration. The project focuses on creating solutions that enable secure and privacy-respecting access to digital services and resources that leverage data assets that each of the participants hold but in a manner where those assets are not disclosed to the other participants. PHACKS leverages cutting-edge cryptographic techniques, including zero-knowledge proofs and secure multiparty computation, to ensure that sensitive information is completely protected during the data processing stages.


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Why should government registers securely collaborate?

Secure collaboration is good for several critical reasons, each of which supports better governance, public services, and data management. It ensures that data shared between registers is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date, reducing discrepancies and errors. By verifying and cross-referencing data from multiple sources using zero knowledge proofs, the risk of inaccuracies and mistakes is minimised while privacy is also preserved. Access to accurate and integrated data across registers enhances the ability to provide comprehensive and efficient public services, such as healthcare, social services, and education. Furthermore, cost savings and resource optimisation can also be achieved. Securely processing data among registers enables cross-verification of information, helping to identify and prevent fraudulent activities and discrepancies. Facilitates effective public-private partnerships by ensuring that data shared with external entities is handled securely and responsibly.

Why is it important that government registers collaborate with industry?

Government registers provide a Source of Truth for industry. They can help to provide improved data quality and accuracy. Industry partners can also help to validate and update government data, ensuring higher accuracy and reliability. Collaboration helps fill gaps in data, providing a more comprehensive dataset that benefits both the public and private sectors. This can lead to better economic growth and development.

Are government registers a target for hackers, how can collaboration help mitigate this risk?

Yes, government registers are indeed prime targets for hackers due to the valuable and sensitive information they contain. This includes personal data, financial records, and other critical information that can be exploited for various malicious purposes. Collaboration can play a significant role in mitigating these risks through several key mechanisms such as enhanced threat intelligence sharing, the creation of public / private partnerships. A great expample of a Collaboration Initiative are the Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs): These centers facilitate the sharing of cyber threat information and best practices between government and industry.

Can government registers collaborate across international boundaries?

Yes, government registers can and often do collaborate across international boundaries. Such collaboration is crucial for a variety of reasons, including combating global threats, standardising data practices, and enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. Here are some key aspects and benefits of international collaboration. Seamless Services: International collaboration enables the provision of seamless services to citizens, such as the recognition of qualifications and work experience across borders. Global Mobility: Simplifies processes for global mobility, including immigration, work permits, and social security benefits for expatriates. Some great examples of International Collaboration are: Interpol and Europol: These organisations facilitate international cooperation among law enforcement agencies to combat crime and terrorism. World Health Organization (WHO): Facilitates the sharing of health data and best practices among countries to manage public health issues.

On behalf of my organisation I want to join a collaboration, how do I do it?

First thing is to reach out and get in touch. Prepare a brief on your company’s objectives and how you believe collaboration would be mutually beneficial. Let us know what you would like to achieve through the collaboration, such as improving customer protection, enhancing security processes, or data sharing best practices. We will then assess the fit of the collaboration with your company's goals and needs, considering factors such as the consortium’s mission, member organisations, and the benefits offered.

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“Sedicii enables us to confirm financial account holders data automatically, accurately and in real-time. The fully trusted consent driven validation against the issuing authority ensures our KYC compliance is up-to-date and real and is exactly where we need it to be.”


Waterford Credit Union

“Security and customer experience are key areas for all businesses. We are very pleased to be innovating with Sedicii since they won our BT Infinity Lab competition”

Operations Director, Infinity Lab,


“The start up with the greatest potential to transform the financial sector in the next 10 years!”

Head, Open Innovation Program,


“Sedicii is part of a group of entrepreneurs who are more aware of the crucial challenges of the world around them and who are determined to do their part to solve those challenges with their company.”

Head, Technology Pioneers Program,

World Economic Forum